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Bitcoin (BTC) Pioneer cryptocurrency with $500 billion market cap, 49% of total crypto market.

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Ether (ETH) Second in market cap at $190 billion, powers Ethereum blockchain for DeFi, NFTs, and more.

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Avalanche (AVAX)  An altcoin with speculative nature; consider risks.

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Polygon (MATIC)  Ranked 11th with $4.7 billion market cap, enhances Ethereum for dApps.

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XRP (XRP) Bridge currency for cross-border transactions, Ripple's creation.

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Tether (USDT) Stablecoin with $83.0 billion market cap, backed by fiat currencies.

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Binance Coin (BNB) $32.5 billion market cap, multifaceted utility beyond trading.

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Cardano (ADA)  Energy-efficient proof-of-stake blockchain, capped supply of 45 billion coins.

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